SCAVB Wins “Best Overall Program”
SCAVB has been honored with the 2013 “Best Overall Program Award” for cities in the 300,000-500,000 population range by Sister Cities International.
This award recognizes the outstanding Celebration of Virginia Beach’s 50th Birthday by SCAVB that involved Mayors, Chief Executives and official delegates from North Down Borough, Northern Ireland, Miyazaki City, Japan, Moss, Norway, and two potential new Sister Cities, Olongapo, Philippines, and San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua. The event included business and economic summits, tree plantings, dedications at Miyazaki Gardens, youth activities and a Gala Evening of dance and music representative of each Country. SCAVB was privileged to have Moss, Norway’s ladies vocal group, VOCALIS, perform also.
SCAVB is very proud of this Award, the second time it has been received by Virginia Beach; the first being for the 40th Birthday Celebration.
SCAVB President, Ruth Fraser and Vice President Carolyn Garrett will receive the award on behalf of the Association at the SCI International Conference in San Jose, California.