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Graham Lee Young

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Director of San Juan Del Sur, Nicaragua

Graham Young Joined the SCAVB Board in June of 2018 alongside Governor Bob McDonnell. Graham was introduced to SCAVB through his family friend Whitt Sessoms who often visits Nicaragua with Graham. Graham has been working with Orphans in Nicaragua since 1999. Graham has lived in Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Peru where he met his wife, Fiorella. They now have 3 children together.

Owner and Co-Founder of Tiger Latin America Tradesource S.A. / LLC Graham are based out of Virginia Beach, VA – Panama City, Panama – Lima, Peru – San Jose, Costa Rica and travels across the North and South American Region trading with major manufacturers in Asia and the USA. Graham Young’s greatest passion is helping children in Latin America. Graham is currently the President and CEO of HOLA – Helping Orphans Latin America and devotes most of his time working with orphans, street kids, and many children who have lost hope in Nicaragua and other countries in Latin America.

He is now focused on a state-of-the-art Global Learning Campus in San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua that will break the cycle of poverty through empowering the people of Nicaragua. The live streaming classes currently connect the people of Nicaragua with the people of Virginia Beach on a daily basis. Graham has a wide range of experience in a wide range of fields across the globe. Graham’s devotion to living a diverse life has led to ventures ranging from coordinating medical missions of large groups of doctors in Africa to Owning and Running successful retail gas stations in the United States and much more in between.

Graham is very well connected with not only the Nicaraguan Community but the Latin American Community in general. Graham has been successful in delegating much of his import/export company to his wife and employees so he can focus on his passion. He works closely with the Nicaraguan delegation and understands how to navigate the sensitive government issues involved in Nicaragua. Graham has many connections in Hampton Roads who have given him the experience to deal and accomplish goals with different generations at a young age.

Graham is currently determined to finalize the sister city relationship as all criteria have been met other than the official visit from the mayor of Virginia Beach to San Juan del Sur. Finally, Graham has been very involved in fulfilling the requirements and learning from other current and past Ambassadors/Delegates in order to become the best candidate for the position of Ambassador of Nicaragua in the future. Graham has been passionate about SCAVB since the first meeting and continues to dedicate his time to the overall mission.