Promoting Peace and Prosperity with Citizen Diplomacy.

Promoting Peace and Prosperity with Citizen Diplomacy.

Promoting Peace and Prosperity with Citizen Diplomacy.
Our Mission: Foster international understanding, friendship, cooperation, and meaningful relationships while promoting peace through mutual understanding, one individual and community at a time.
Through partnerships with our sister and friendship cities, student exchanges and culturally diverse programs, along with the support of our elected officials, we are helping to foster peace through people-to-people connections and understanding throughout the world.
Our Sister Cities

Ards and North Down Borough, Northern Ireland, UK
The Ards & North Down Borough, Northern Ireland, UK / Virginia Beach, Virginia partnership was chartered on May 6, 2001.

Miyazaki City, Japan
The Miyazaki City, Japan / Virginia Beach, Virginia partnership was chartered on May 25, 1992.

Moss, Norway
The Moss, Norway / Virginia Beach, Virginia partnership was chartered on May 11, 1974.

Olongapo, The Philippines
The Olongapo, The Philippines / Virginia Beach, Virginia partnership was chartered on July 6, 2015.

Waiblingen, Germany
The Waiblingen, Germany / Virginia Beach, Virginia partnership was chartered on May 11, 2017.

San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua
The San Juan Del Sur, Nicaragua / Virginia Beach, Virginia are friendship cities since 2015.
Two deeply-held convictions unite us in common purpose. First, is our belief in effective and responsive local government as a principal bulwark of freedom. Second, is our faith in the great promise of people-to-people and sister city affiliations in helping build the solid structure of world peace.
~ President Dwight D. Eisenhower
On September 11, 1956, President Eisenhower brought Americans representing all walks of life to Washington D.C. to attend a White House Conference on Citizen Diplomacy.
Join The Virginia Beach Sister City Association Today!
If you have a community in Virginia Beach and are interested in sisterhood, please contact Maria Weissenseel at scavbstrive@gmail.com.